
Leighswood School

Wonder Investigate Learn Discover

School Values

Ethos and Values

Promote excellence, equality and high expectations for everyone.

Establish an ethos where everyone is included, valued and respected.

Foster continuous improvement and never be complacent.

Provide a curriculum that is creative, stimulating and challenging, with opportunities in sports and the arts, through which children will experience discovery and success.

Provide challenge and support at all levels.

Develop enquiring minds with the ability to question, think rationally and independently creating self-motivated thinkers.

Establish learning environments which are enabling and value children’s effort and achievement.

Enable children to be safe and adopt healthy life styles so they become emotionally and physically healthy.

Enable children to take responsibility for their own learning, to use and apply their developing skills and to work collaboratively.

Enable children to set themselves high standards, to take pride in their learning and strive to make improvements.

Strive to ensure that the “Leighswood Family” makes a positive contribution to the local community by working closely with parents and carers and local groups.


The Leighswood Ethos as written by our children:

Learning at Leighswood is fun
Exciting opportunities
Interesting and challenging experiences
Gathering ideas when we work as a team
Helping each other to create happy memories
Sharing our learning experiences with family and friends.
Working hard
Outstanding achievements
Optimistic attitudes ensure we reach our goals
Determined always to do our best!
