
Leighswood School

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Forest School Kit

Forest School Kit

Forest school is a place where children should be able to have independence and confidence to explore, play and have fun, wearing the correct clothing can play a big part in how they enjoy this experience. 

Forest kit is part of our uniform list and children must bring their own forest school kit to sessions. Forest conditions can change over the year and below are our recommendations of kit to bring. We will go out to Forest in most weather conditions so it important that each child has the correct kit on so they can enjoy forest to its full.

Winter kit

During winter our forest areas can get pretty wet and muddy and we are outside for around 2/3 hours. Forest school kit should protect children’s uniforms. We recommend:

  • full waterproofs,
  • A suitable all weather coat 
  • waterproof trousers 
  • Wellies or walking boots.
  • Hat and gloves 
  • Thick wool socks 

These should be items that you don’t mind getting wet and muddy. Normal school coats are not recommended as they can be expensive items and harder to clean, especially if needed the following day.

It also gets much colder during winter months and children will need to adapt their forest school kit by bringing in hats and gloves and warm layers to put on under their waterproofs, warm thick socks are a must as wellies won’t keep feet warm.

Summer kit

During the summer months children will need

  • waterproofs 
  • wellies 
  • long sleeve t-shirt and
  • joggers/leggings.
  • Sun hats and sunscreen should also be thought about on hotter days.
    We ask that they are long sleeved and full length trousers to protect children in the forest area.