
Leighswood School

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Parent Support

Our parent and pastoral support is Helen Hughes.

If you feel you would like to talk to her please email at

If you are struggling and need support visit Walsall Early Help page

Parent Talk






As we enter a new year we would like to continue to share with you our fantastic FREE online parenting programme offer.


We currently have unlimited access for everyone around parenting or caring for children living or working in Walsall to 6 Solihull approach online parenting courses, including our newest course we are so excited to share with you all– Online Understanding My Child With Additional Needs.


The Online Programmes available are:


•            Understanding my Child – 11 online sessions for parents

•            Understanding my Baby – 9 online sessions for parents

•            Understanding my Pregnancy, labour and birth – 9 online sessions for parents

•            Understanding my Teenagers brain – 9 online sessions for parents

•            Understanding your Brain – online session for teenagers to understand their own brain development

·                (NEW) Understanding your child with additional needs – 10 online sessions for parents of children with additional needs


Parenting Programmes
