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Our uniform reflects the need for children to be comfortable, warm and active, both outdoors and indoors during the school day. We have also ensured that our uniform can be purchased from a variety of retailers making it cost effective.
The only item of clothing that requires our school logo is our school jumper, cardigan or hoodie. All other items can be purchased at any retailer selling school uniform e.g. Asda, Tesco's, Sainsburys.
Uniform is available to purchase from Brigade Clothing UK and Tesco’s (on-line orders only), and from Clive Mark and Crested School wear stores in Walsall.
Water bottles are available for purchase from the KS1 office for £2.25 with replacement lids available for 50p. You may send an order with your child into school with the money in a clearly marked envelope, the bottle will then be sent to your child.
Uniform: links to purchase: