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Breakfast & Tea Club Provision
Breakfast & tea club provision is open to all pupils who attend Leighswood School on a term-time basis.
Breakfast club - £5.00 per session.
Children can access breakfast club from 7.45am.
We offer a variety of healthy breakfast options to allow the children to get the best possible start to their day. Children independently choose their breakfast option each day and sit with their friends for social engagement during this time. Fresh fruit and drinks are always available. Some of our breakfast options include; fruit & yoghurt, cereal, toast.
We like to offer an ‘at home’ experience where children can relax before school whilst offering a wide range of activities for them to engage in with their friends and peers. This could include a board game, building blocks, a quiz, craft sessions. Staff enjoy planning & preparing activities based around the children’s interests. Children also have access to our wonderful outdoor environment where they love to engage in team games with their friends and peers.
Tea Club - £10.00 per session
Tea club provision runs until 5.30pm and children are collected from their class at the end of the school day by a member of the team.
We offer a healthy snack to keep them going until they go home for tea. Children are encouraged to independently prepare their snack and sit with friends for social engagements during this time. Some of our snack options include; cheese & crackers with vegetable sticks, ham wraps & bagels. Fresh fruit and drinks are always available alongside the menu too.
Staff plan and prepare activities for the children each night taking into consideration their interests. Children also have access to our wonderful outdoor environment where they love to engage in team games with their friends and peers.
Applying for a breakfast/tea club place
To apply for a place breakfast or tea club place please contact Mrs Nutting or Mrs Baker on 01922 457186 or childcare@leighswood.walsall.sch.uk. Alternatively complete the enquiry form on the website and email to childcare or hand it an one of the KS offices.