
Leighswood School

Wonder Investigate Learn Discover


EYFS curriculum

Parents’ Guide to the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework

What is the Early Years Foundation Stage? (EYFS)
The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) is for children from birth to five.
It is a very important stage in your child’s development.  From when your child is born up until the age of 5, their early years experience should be happy, active, exciting, fun and secure; and support their development, care and learning needs.
Here at Leighswood we aim to deliver a W. I. L. D. curriculum where your children can Wonder, Investigate, Learn and Discover with their peers and practitioners.


What is the statutory framework for EYFS?
The EYFS statutory framework exists to support all professionals working in the EYFS to help your child. In 2020 a new framework was developed and is due to come into place in September 2021. it sets out:

  • The learning and development requirements, including the Early Learning Goals (The expected stage your child should reach by the end of Reception)
  • Assessment details for EYFS
  • The safeguarding and welfare requirements

How my child will be learning at Leighswood?

At Leighswood we use the EYFS guidance to develop a broad and balance curriculum for all our children. We work in partnership with families to create a community environment where we are all working together to ensure the best possible chances for all our children.

We support children to acquire knowledge through the 7 areas of Learning which are divided into
Prime  and Specific areas of learning.


Prime areas

Specific areas

· Communication and language;

· Literacy;

· Physical development; and

· Mathematics;

· Personal, social and emotional development.

· Understanding the world;


· Expressive arts and design.



















