
Leighswood School

Wonder Investigate Learn Discover

Ofsted Report

Senior leadership team...

are ambitious and have created a culture of high expectations.


Early years provision is a strength of the school. The leader provides strong, purposeful leadership. She is proactive and ambitious for the children who are in early years. Staff know the children extremely well and adapt teaching to meet their needs and interests


The teaching of phonics is strong

Phonics teaching supports reading in key stages 1 and 2. Pupils read well and enjoy reading. By the end of Year 6, pupils read very confidently with expression


Pupils feel safe 

Pupils say that they feel safe in school and that any cases of bullying are quickly dealt with.


Pupils are polite and friendly

Pupils walk calmly around the school. They are polite, friendly and well mannered and help each other.


Pupil progress

Pupils are making strong progress in reading, writing and mathematics.
